Bathroom Remodeling FAQs
In 2024 the labor market is highly competitive. Wages for inexperienced labor ranges form $15/hr - $25/hr.
Skilled trade professionals charge roughly $55/hr - $150/hr.
Look them up on The Better Business Bureau, State Contractor Registration, City and/or County Contractor Registration. Find anything else about them on the internet.
A tile backer, also known as a backer board, is a material used to provide a stable surface for tile installation. It is typically installed on walls, floors, or countertops before tiles are applied to create a durable and water-resistant substrate.
Common types of tile backers include cement backer board, fiber cement board, and waterproof foam boards. Each type has its unique properties, but they all serve the purpose of providing a solid foundation for tile installations.
Common tile materials include ceramic, porcelain, natural stone (such as marble or granite), glass, and mosaic. Each material has its own characteristics in terms of durability, water resistance, and aesthetics.